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Our Projects

Major Road & highway infrastructure

Burke Developmental Road Chillagoe to Almaden

Key Capabilities: Major Road & Highway Infrastructure
Location: Chillagoe, North Queensland
Client: Dept. of Transport & Main Roads (DTMR)
Contract Period: 80 weeks
Duration:  Nov 2021 – May 2023

 About the Project:

The project included a full roadworks upgrade of 7.8km of the Burke Developmental Road between Almaden and Chillagoe. This project fully reworked the existing formation to improve all-weather bitumen-sealed pavement.  HEH Civil worked collaboratively with DTMR to successfully deliver this locally significant project through the COVID-19 period.

Project Scope

The scope of works includes the construction of a 9.0m wide bitumen-sealed pavement and associated drainage works.

  • Drainage works – replacement of drainage culverts. HEH Civil procured the principal-supplied culverts to expedite delivery.
  • Large cut and fill operations to enhance horizontal and vertical alignments.
  • Subgrade treatments to large naturally saturated areas.
  • Large geogrid treatments to low strength in situ materials.
  • Processing of local and in situ materials to create embankment fill.
  • Long-distance cartage to provide suitable pavement materials.
  • Full-width bitumen sealing.


  • The worksite traversed through a culturally sensitive location. Cultural Heritage Liaison Officers from the local area were utilised before construction to identify culturally significant aspects and guidance through construction. Several culturally significant areas were identified and discretely protected as requested.
  • Redesign of alignment was undertaken to retain a culturally significant rock outcrop.
  • Cultural Heritage Liaison Officers aided HEH Civil to source suitable water sources in culturally significant locations. A bore was sunk to aid suitable water sources which had limited water availability.
  • Bulk earthworks were undertaken to meet the new horizontal and vertical alignments which then requiring stockpile management. Material was screened and processed to create suitable fill material for use.
  • The excavation component encountered extensive rock removal which required drill and blast techniques due to the hard, non-fractured nature of the bedrock encountered.
  • Given the length of the job site and limited phone coverage, moderately complex management was required for the several different work crews spread throughout.
  • Moderately complex staging of works was required to maintain traffic movements whilst expediting the programme.
  • Project managed through COVID-19 period, including personnel and material shortages.


The project was successfully delivered on time and within budget. Culturally significant aspects were correctly identified and protected. Local engagement was well received with business relationships within the community and DTMR being well maintained.


A collaborative success between HEH Civil and Dept. Transport and Main Roads saw a high-quality project delivered for the local community.

HEH Civil